After all the fun and games, all the laughter and gaiety, all the happy tears and warm hugs, comes the moment to finally say goodbye to your wedding guests. The wedding was a success as all your loved ones joined you in celebrating a day so important to you. And now it’s time for them to go. How do you end such a grand day?

A unique sendoff will be a great way to conclude the series of fun events you just had. There are several ways you can say goodbye to the guests at your wedding, and we rounded up 8 of them for you. They’re all great too-some more creative than others-and they’ll all catch your fancy for sure!

  • Why Not Do It Earlier?

Depending on your location, the average age of your guests, and whether they have children or not, some of your guests might not be able to wait till the end of your reception to send you off. Thus, couples are switching things up a bit and having the ritual after their ceremony or as they enter the reception. You can try this too.

  • Go Eco-Friendly

Most wedding venues do not allow the rice toss anymore. Apparently, rice doesn’t sit too well with the local wildlife. And confetti, while a nice alternative, is difficult to clean up and could take quite some time to biodegrade. So, a great option is to have your guests toss earth-friendly things like petals, dried leaves, and lavender instead.

  • Consider Smoke Bombs

No, we don’t mean the smoke bombs ninjas use (blame Hollywood); we’re talking about a different kind here. While sparklers and glow sticks look great at night, if you’re having a daytime send-off, colored smoke bombs can make a really bold statement. You should, however, handle them with care. Set them off the wrong way and you’ll turn your wedding into a ‘Rainbow Festival; of sorts. Smoke bombs require careful planning to be used properly.

  • Choose Balloons

Balloons make for beautiful pictures. Select options that match your wedding palette and have your guests wave them as you walk by. If you want to go for the balloon release, consider tethering them with long, clear strings so that you or your wedding vendors can properly recycle them at the end of the day.

  • Make It Personal

Send-offs are about the bride and groom, more than anyone else. They don’t always have to be big or noisy. You can have your guests wait outside while you and your loved one have one last dance. And this will draw more than a few emotional tears, we can promise you that.

  • Blow Bubbles

If you and your partner are fun-loving folks, bubbles should sit well with both of you, no? Bubbles are more ‘adorable’ than beautiful but they still make for great pictures. Your sendoff will have a little more character too.

Entertainment is an important part of your wedding too, which is why you should let BEG Event Group handle it. With world-class DJs and unparalleled entertainers, we’ll bring creativity and class to your event as few others can!

Contact us today and we’ll get started. Yes, we’re not living in the best of times right now but always remember this pandemic won’t last forever. Your wedding is within sight, so let’s all start getting ready for it!


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